qadi iyad

  • The Necessity To Love The Prophet – al-Qadi Iyyad

    The Necessity To Love The Prophet – al-Qadi Iyyad

    This chapter is from the book “Ash-Shifa” written by the great maliki scholar, Qadi Iyad. The book has been translated in english. For more information please click on…

  • Some recommended ENGLISH books in Maliki Fiqh part 1

    Some recommended ENGLISH books in Maliki Fiqh part 1

    بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم و صلى هللا على سيدنا محمد وآله وصحبه وسلم 1) The Abridgment of al-Akhdari – Fiqh 101: Prayer and Purification (Maliki Option) (Tayba Fiqh Series)…