Is There a Difference Between the Hanafi and the Maliki Adhan?

Answered by Shaykh Rami Nsour

Question: Is there a difference between how the Malikis and Hanafis recite the adhan??

Answer: There is a slight difference between the Maliki and the Hanafi adhan. The main difference is in the number of times the pronunciations are done. In the Maliki adhan, the statements are made twice each.

Instead of four takbirs at the beginning, there are two. Additionally, there is a repeat of the two tashah-huds. So the complete Maliki adhan is as follows;

Allahu akbar (twice)
Ash-hadu an la illah illa Allah (twice in a lower voice)
Ash-hadu anna Muhammadan rasul Allah (twice in a lower voice)
Ash-hadu an la illah illa Allah (twice in a voice louder than the first time)
Ash-hadu anna Muhammadan rasul Allah (twice in a voice louder than the first time)
Hayya alla salah (twice)
Hayya allah falah (twice)
Allahu akbar (twice)
La illaha illa Allah (once)

Another difference in the iqama is that the Malikis do all of the pronunciations of the adhan once each except for the two sets of takbirs, which are kept at twice each.

[Khalil, Mukhtasar]

Rami Nsour

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Here are some english books to learn your fard al ‘Ayn (Individual duty) according to the maliki school:

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