Can I Wear a Belt in Ihram in Maliki Fiqh?

It is forbidden to wear a belt that holds up one’s ihram. One who does this is required to make tawba and pay fidya. The only exception is if they are working such a job that would make their izar fall off.

As for carrying one’s belongings, one may wear a belt or fanny pack for that purpose only, but it may not be used to hold up one’s izar (bottom garment). One may also wear it across their torso as shown in the picture, but it not to hold up the rida (upper garment). Khalil says:

ولا فدية في سيف وإن بلا عذر واحتزام أو استثفار لعمل فقط

Written by Shadee Elmasry

Reviewed by Rami Nsour