Does Incontinence Break Wudu’ in the Maliki School?
Question: I have drops of urine that occur without my control during the day. Am I required to make wudu’ from these drops since they are not in…
Is it disliked (makruh) to wipe the limbs after Wudu’ in the Maliki Madhab?
Question: After washing wudu’ some people say that they should let their limbs dry on their own, even when it is cold, because this is more pious and…
Does Vomiting Break Wudu’ in Maliki Fiqh?
Question: Does vomiting break wudu’ in Maliki Fiqh? ﷽ Vomiting does not break wudu’ in Maliki Fiqh, but if it changed from the original food (i.e the vomit…
Is my wudu broken if I touch the opposite gender?
Answered by Shaykh Rami Nsour Question: Assalam ‘aleykum, Should I renew my wudu if I touch a woman? Answer: Wa alaykum as salam wa rahmatulah. If someone touches…
The fiqh of reciting and touching the Quran for women according to the Maliki school – Ustadh Abdus Shakur Brooks
BY USTADH ABDUS SHAKUR BROOKS Women, [1] in regards to reciting and touching the Quran can be classified into five categories: 1) When she is free from menses and…
Does a Mixture of Water and Filth on a Limb Require Cleansing? (Maliki)
Answered by Ustadh Tariq Abdul-Rasheed Question: If you wash the impurity off and the water (najas) runs down your leg is it necessary to wash that limb? Answer:…
Conversion to Islam and How to Remove Major Ritual Impurity – Shaykh Rami Nsour
Answered by Shaykh Rami Nsour Question: Please I have this question on how to convert back to islam, I want to know the words I will need to…
The ruling on wiping over the khuff (leather socks) in the Maliki School
What is the ruling on wiping over the khuff (leather socks) and jawrab(socks)? Is there a time limit on how long a person can wear his khuffs and wipe over them instead of…
Frequent Rectal Discharges: Is There Any Dispensation Regarding Maintaining Ritual Purity? – Ustadh Tariq Abdul-Rasheed
Question: I have several questions, if someone could please answer according to Maliki fiqh. 1) Sometimes when I am stressed I get hemorrhoids, and (even after istinja) some…
Explanation of the Kitab Al Akhdari
The abridged of imam al-Akhdari This text is written by Abdur Rahman Al-Akhdari a famous Maliki scholar of the 10th century A.H. This text covers purification of the heart, ritual…
Does Profuse Bleeding Invalidate Wudu in the Maliki School?
Answered by Shaykh Rami Nsour Question: I understand that in the Maliki school only profuse bleeding invalidates the Wudu. My question is if donating blood or a blood…
Repeating Prayers in Maliki School for Not Doing “Dalk” in Wudu- Shaykh Rami Nsour
Answered by Shaykh Rami Nsour Question: I just learned that it is obligatory to pass one limb over another limb in ghusl. Do I have to pray for…
Using Soapy Water for Ghusl in Maliki School – Shaykh Rami Nsour
Answered by Shaykh Rami Nsour Question: Is it permissible to use soap to make ghusl in the Maliki school considering its strictness on rubbing the whole body with…
Does a woman’s secretion nullify ablution and is it considered an impurity? – Ustadh Abdus Shakur Brooks
Answered by Ustadh Abdus Shakur Brooks Question: The maliki fiqh texts always talk about “the two passages” (sabeelayn) but in a woman’s case, she has three passages. Also,…
Does Shaking a Woman’s Hand with a Glove Nullify Ablution? – Ustadh Abdus Skakur Brooks
Answered by Ustadh Abdus Skakur Brooks Question: Does non-skin contact with a woman nullify ablution if the person feels desire? For example, a man shook hands with a…