Build A Masjid in Mali, Africa (Please donate !)

buld a masjid mali tayba foundation


Please help brother Yahya Zakariyya build a concrete masjid  in his village in Mali. Yahya came from a family that used to worship idols in Mali. Later in his life he converted to Islam and went to study in Mauritania. During his travels he met Shakh Rami Nsour and eventually spent some time with Murabit al Hajj (One of Shaykh Hamza Yusuf’s Teachers) and memorized the majority of the Quran.  Alhumdillah, with the guidance of Allah, Yahya converted nearly 200 people in his village that were mostly idol worshippers when he came back from his journey. He started an Islamic school with 150 students in a mud brick masjid with grass walls, which unfortunately collapsed due to rain in the past. Yahya knows 7 languages (Arabic, French, English, Bamariya, Menigay, Sarqalla, and Fullani) which he uses for his advantage to go to surrounding villages to give dawa in all those languages.  He has been approached by Christian missionaries, Shias, and Qadianis all with the  promises of money if he follows their ways.  He has refused and rather chooses hunger and poverty to stay on the path of the sunna as taught to him by Murabit al Hajj.

Attached are pictures of Yahya and his school that is built from adobe bricks that in the past caved in due to heavy rain.  In the second picture you will see his young son whom he named Muhammad Rami after meeting Shakh Rami Nsour.  He also named his school “Zaytuna” after he being impressed by all the brothers that went to Mauritania from Zaytuna Institute. With the dawa work that Yayha Zakariyya is doing and at the rate people are converting, it would be great for this community to have a masjid  built with concrete that does not collapse by the grace of Allah.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him likewise in Paradise.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî and Sahîh Muslim]

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Among what continues to accrue for a believer of his good works after death are the following: knowledge that he learned and then imparted to others, a pious child whom he left behind, a copy of the Qur’ân that he bequeathed, a mosque that he built…


To donate, click on the link below :

If you wish to make a larger donation, please mail the check to
Tayba Foundation
P.O. Box 8360 Fremont, CA 94537
Please write in the memo “Mali Project”

Jazza khalla Khair


Please help brother Yahya Zakariyya build a concrete masjid  in his village in Mali. Yahya came from a family that used to worship idols in Mali. Later in his life he converted to Islam and went to study in Mauritania. During his travels he met Shakh Rami Nsour and eventually spent some time with Murabit al Hajj (One of Shaykh Hamza Yusuf’s Teachers) and memorized the majority of the Quran.  Alhumdillah, with the guidance of Allah, Yahya converted nearly 200 people in his village that were mostly idol worshippers when he came back from his journey. He started an Islamic school with 150 students in a mud brick masjid with grass walls, which unfortunately collapsed due to rain in the past. Yahya knows 7 languages (Arabic, French, English, Bamariya, Menigay, Sarqalla, and Fullani) which he uses for his advantage to go to surrounding villages to give dawa in all those languages.  He has been approached by Christian missionaries, Shias, and Qadianis all with the  promises of money if he follows their ways.  He has refused and rather chooses hunger and poverty to stay on the path of the sunna as taught to him by Murabit al Hajj.

Attached are pictures of Yahya and his school that is built from adobe bricks that in the past caved in due to heavy rain.  In the second picture you will see his young son whom he named Muhammad Rami after meeting Shakh Rami Nsour.  He also named his school “Zaytuna” after he being impressed by all the brothers that went to Mauritania from Zaytuna Institute. With the dawa work that Yayha Zakariyya is doing and at the rate people are converting, it would be great for this community to have a masjid  built with concrete that does not collapse by the grace of Allah.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him likewise in Paradise.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî and Sahîh Muslim]

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Among what continues to accrue for a believer of his good works after death are the following: knowledge that he learned and then imparted to others, a pious child whom he left behind, a copy of the Qur’ân that he bequeathed, a mosque that he built…


If you wish to make a larger donation, please mail the check to
Tayba Foundation
P.O. Box 8360 Fremont, CA 94537
Please write in the memo “Mali Project”

Jazza khalla Khair

– See more at:


Please help brother Yahya Zakariyya build a concrete masjid  in his village in Mali. Yahya came from a family that used to worship idols in Mali. Later in his life he converted to Islam and went to study in Mauritania. During his travels he met Shakh Rami Nsour and eventually spent some time with Murabit al Hajj (One of Shaykh Hamza Yusuf’s Teachers) and memorized the majority of the Quran.  Alhumdillah, with the guidance of Allah, Yahya converted nearly 200 people in his village that were mostly idol worshippers when he came back from his journey. He started an Islamic school with 150 students in a mud brick masjid with grass walls, which unfortunately collapsed due to rain in the past. Yahya knows 7 languages (Arabic, French, English, Bamariya, Menigay, Sarqalla, and Fullani) which he uses for his advantage to go to surrounding villages to give dawa in all those languages.  He has been approached by Christian missionaries, Shias, and Qadianis all with the  promises of money if he follows their ways.  He has refused and rather chooses hunger and poverty to stay on the path of the sunna as taught to him by Murabit al Hajj.

Attached are pictures of Yahya and his school that is built from adobe bricks that in the past caved in due to heavy rain.  In the second picture you will see his young son whom he named Muhammad Rami after meeting Shakh Rami Nsour.  He also named his school “Zaytuna” after he being impressed by all the brothers that went to Mauritania from Zaytuna Institute. With the dawa work that Yayha Zakariyya is doing and at the rate people are converting, it would be great for this community to have a masjid  built with concrete that does not collapse by the grace of Allah.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him likewise in Paradise.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî and Sahîh Muslim]

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Among what continues to accrue for a believer of his good works after death are the following: knowledge that he learned and then imparted to others, a pious child whom he left behind, a copy of the Qur’ân that he bequeathed, a mosque that he built…


If you wish to make a larger donation, please mail the check to
Tayba Foundation
P.O. Box 8360 Fremont, CA 94537
Please write in the memo “Mali Project”

Jazza khalla Khair

– See more at:

Source :


Please help brother Yahya Zakariyya build a concrete masjid  in his village in Mali. Yahya came from a family that used to worship idols in Mali. Later in his life he converted to Islam and went to study in Mauritania. During his travels he met Shakh Rami Nsour and eventually spent some time with Murabit al Hajj (One of Shaykh Hamza Yusuf’s Teachers) and memorized the majority of the Quran.  Alhumdillah, with the guidance of Allah, Yahya converted nearly 200 people in his village that were mostly idol worshippers when he came back from his journey. He started an Islamic school with 150 students in a mud brick masjid with grass walls, which unfortunately collapsed due to rain in the past. Yahya knows 7 languages (Arabic, French, English, Bamariya, Menigay, Sarqalla, and Fullani) which he uses for his advantage to go to surrounding villages to give dawa in all those languages.  He has been approached by Christian missionaries, Shias, and Qadianis all with the  promises of money if he follows their ways.  He has refused and rather chooses hunger and poverty to stay on the path of the sunna as taught to him by Murabit al Hajj.

Attached are pictures of Yahya and his school that is built from adobe bricks that in the past caved in due to heavy rain.  In the second picture you will see his young son whom he named Muhammad Rami after meeting Shakh Rami Nsour.  He also named his school “Zaytuna” after he being impressed by all the brothers that went to Mauritania from Zaytuna Institute. With the dawa work that Yayha Zakariyya is doing and at the rate people are converting, it would be great for this community to have a masjid  built with concrete that does not collapse by the grace of Allah.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him likewise in Paradise.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî and Sahîh Muslim]

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Among what continues to accrue for a believer of his good works after death are the following: knowledge that he learned and then imparted to others, a pious child whom he left behind, a copy of the Qur’ân that he bequeathed, a mosque that he built…


If you wish to make a larger donation, please mail the check to
Tayba Foundation
P.O. Box 8360 Fremont, CA 94537
Please write in the memo “Mali Project”

Jazza khalla Khair

– See more at:


Please help brother Yahya Zakariyya build a concrete masjid  in his village in Mali. Yahya came from a family that used to worship idols in Mali. Later in his life he converted to Islam and went to study in Mauritania. During his travels he met Shakh Rami Nsour and eventually spent some time with Murabit al Hajj (One of Shaykh Hamza Yusuf’s Teachers) and memorized the majority of the Quran.  Alhumdillah, with the guidance of Allah, Yahya converted nearly 200 people in his village that were mostly idol worshippers when he came back from his journey. He started an Islamic school with 150 students in a mud brick masjid with grass walls, which unfortunately collapsed due to rain in the past. Yahya knows 7 languages (Arabic, French, English, Bamariya, Menigay, Sarqalla, and Fullani) which he uses for his advantage to go to surrounding villages to give dawa in all those languages.  He has been approached by Christian missionaries, Shias, and Qadianis all with the  promises of money if he follows their ways.  He has refused and rather chooses hunger and poverty to stay on the path of the sunna as taught to him by Murabit al Hajj.

Attached are pictures of Yahya and his school that is built from adobe bricks that in the past caved in due to heavy rain.  In the second picture you will see his young son whom he named Muhammad Rami after meeting Shakh Rami Nsour.  He also named his school “Zaytuna” after he being impressed by all the brothers that went to Mauritania from Zaytuna Institute. With the dawa work that Yayha Zakariyya is doing and at the rate people are converting, it would be great for this community to have a masjid  built with concrete that does not collapse by the grace of Allah.

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever builds a mosque for Allah, Allah will build for him likewise in Paradise.” [Sahîh al-Bukhârî and Sahîh Muslim]

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Among what continues to accrue for a believer of his good works after death are the following: knowledge that he learned and then imparted to others, a pious child whom he left behind, a copy of the Qur’ân that he bequeathed, a mosque that he built…


If you wish to make a larger donation, please mail the check to
Tayba Foundation
P.O. Box 8360 Fremont, CA 94537
Please write in the memo “Mali Project”

Jazza khalla Khair

– See more at:


2 responses to “Build A Masjid in Mali, Africa (Please donate !)”

  1. […] via Build A Masjid in Mali, Africa (Please donate !). […]

  2. Salam My name is Hassam Qadri i am from Pakistan and belong to Hanafi and Sunni(SUFI) school of thought and belong to a world wide Islamic propogatory organization named Dawate Islami so i noticed about the majority and rising number of Muslims in Mali, and other african countries and also saw your request for donation so , as our organization works same as yours so better not combine together for a same purpose so you better check our website as you can get help in propogation work and donation for consruction of mosques and if you want any contact plz leave a mail on my address [email protected].