6) The Handbook of Islam, Iman and Ihsan
The Handbook of Islam, Iman and Ihsan by Shaykh ‘Uthman dan Fodio
A manual on how to establish Islam, with understanding, by the famous West African Shaykh who led the jihad (struggle in the way of Allah) which established the Muslim Khalifate in Northern Nigeria in the 18th century. The very title of this book is illuminating, for this is the three-dimensional Islam that emerged from Madinah and was the light for the whole of the west, from the Bilad as-Sudan, including Nigeria, right up to Andalus, modern-day Spain, an Islam that holds law, spirituality and a clear intellectual tradition in balance. This book then is another manual, a handbook on the practice of Islam, on the parameters of what needs to be known about Allah and His Messengers, and on the Sufic path of purification of the heart and self from the qualities that obscure their luminous reality and which veil them from Allah.
For those living in the USA (click on the picture below) :
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8) The Guiding Helper: Main Text & Explanatory Notes
Book Description
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9) The Foundations of Islam by Qadi Iyyad (according to the AHL AL MADINA)
For those living in the UK:
This book by the author of Ash-Shifa is a clear-cut manual laid out in five sections corresponding to the five pillars, and marked out with the simplicity of a basic technical manual. For each pillar the Fard, Sunna, Superogatory, Liked, Disliked and Prohibited are concisely listed, with special page markings for easy reference and study. This book is useful for new Muslims but also for refreshing the knowledge of the basics of even the most learned scholars.
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10) The Muwatta of Imam Malik Ibn Anas:
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11) The Madinan Way: The Soundness of the Basic Premises of the School of the People of Madina – Ibn Taymiyyah
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For those living in the UK (click on the picture below):
For those living in Canada (click on the picture below):
12) Malik and Medina : Dr Umar F. Abd-Allah
For those living in the USA (click on the picture below):
3 responses to “Some recommended ENGLISH books in Maliki Fiqh part 2”
None of the picture links seem to be showing up, at least for me
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Brother why is the umar faruk abdullah book Malik and Medina 203 pounds