imam malik
What Imam Malik said about arguing over religion.
Question: What did Imam Malik say about debating? Answer: “Arguing and debating about religion takes away the light of knowledge from the heart of the ‘abd.” A man said…
Maliki Usul al-Fiqh Poem Written by Shaykh Ibn Abi Kaff As-Shiquiti
“Ussul al Imam Malik” has been written by Sheikh ibn Abi Kaff. It a 3 is a 30 verses poem describing the foundations of the school of Imam…
KHALĪL’S ABRIDGMENT: Bilingual text and explanation by Ustadh Ahmad Ali Al-Adani
Written by Ustadh Ahmad Ali Al-Adani and originally published on The Islamic Community. Republished with author’s permission. The author: Name: Khalīl Father’s name: Ishāq Grandfather’s name: Mūsā Patronymic: Abū…
Sharh al Kabir ‘ala Mukhtassar Khalil fi Fiqh al-Maliki with Shaykh Taha Rayyan al Maliki al Azhari (In Arabic)
Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: Part 5: Part 6:
Children reciting the text of Ibn Ashir “Al-Murshid al-Mu’in”
For more information about the english translation of Ibn Ashir click here.
The Danger of Rushing to Issue Fatwas – Shaykh Muhammad Mawlud & Shaykh Rami Nsour
This text is an except from the book “The Prohibitions of the Tongue” written by Shaykh Muhammad Mawlud. This book has been translated and commented in english by…
Imam al-Haddad and the Maliki School
Imam al-Haddad was a mujtahid despite his strict adherence to the Shafi’i school. On more than one occasion he explained the Shafi’i ruling concerning a particular issue, then declared…
Can I pray sunnas even though I have make-up prayers?
Answered by Shaykh Rami Nsour Question: As Salaamu Alaikum: In the Matn of Al-Akdhari it states that it is not permissible to perform Nafilah prayers if you owe…
Maliki Fiqh with Ustadh Hamzah Wald Maqbul – RIHLA 2013 & 2014
These courses taught by Shaykh Hamza Wald Maqdul Chaudhry during the Rihla retreats in 2013 and 2014, cover the legal methods and regulations surrounding the most essential devotions of…
Ramadan Fiqh with Shaykh Rami Nsour (AUDIO)
This course is based on the text Rissala (Chapter on Fasting) written by Ibn Abu Zayd al-Qayrawini. This text is available here. Part 1: Part 2: Part 3:
Are Gold, Silver and Platinum Permissible in a Pen? Answered by Shaykh Rami Nsour
Question: Assalamu ‘alaykum, Some fountain pens incorporate the likes of gold, silver and platinum in their designs (for example, a pen nib may have gold plating). Does the Maliki…
The Language of the Friday Sermon (Khutba) in the Maliki School
Answered by Shaykh Rami Nsour Question: As salamu ‘alaykum. It is valid in the Maliki school for the person giving the Friday khutba to translate passages from the…
On Arriving Late to Audible Congregational Prayer (Maliki)
Answered by Shaykh Rami Nsour Question: Is my prayer sound if I missed the first two rakats of Isha prayer with the Imam, then recited them quietly when…
Qunut Supplication: Audibly or Inaudibly? – Group du’a, dhikr, and Qur’anic recitation (Maliki school)
How should we make the qunut supplication? Why did Imam Malik (ra) oppose group dhikr? Shaykh Abdullah provides a brief answer in his response to the following question…
Maliki Adhan by Shaykh Ilyas Ait Si al-‘Arabi (Algiers – Algeria) **VIDEO**
If you want more information about the Adhan, please read the following article: Is There a Difference Between the Hanafi and the Maliki Adhan?
Times of the Prayer – Shaykh Muhammad al-‘Arabi al-Qarawi
Fiqh Summary of the School of the Maliki Masters (Muhammad al-‘Arabi al-Qarawi) The Prayer 136. What, essentially, is the prayer? Which prayers are obligatory upon the individual and…
Consensus (Ijma’) according to Imam Malik – Shaykh Muhammad Abu Zahrah
The Fourth Source: Consensus (Ijma’) Malik, may Allah be pleased with him, was probably the one of the four Imams who most frequently mentioned consensus and used it…