New Al-Masālik ePublication!
Title: Performing The ‘Eid Prayer Behind An Imām Adhering to A Different School of Jurisprudence
Author: Abdus Shakur J.J Brooks
Subject: Jurisprudence (Mālikī Fiqh)
Format: ebook (pdf.)
Publisher: Al-Masālik Publications
Cost: free download
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2 responses to “(ebook) Performing The ‘Eid Prayer Behind An Imām Adhering to A Different School of Jurisprudence – Ustadh Abdus Shakur Brooks”
Assalamu E’laikum va Rehmatullah..
I have recently changed from the Shafi’ to the Maliki Madhab.. I belong to a country where Shafi’ is the dominant…
I would like to know if I being a Maliki had a chance to recite the Azan and Iqama in the Shafi’ masjid, How would I recite it?
I have changed my prayer type to Sadl, one taslim and looking straight in prayer.. and reciting ‘qadqamadissalah’ one time in iqama.
I also belong to the Tijaniyya Path, Sidi Ahmed Tijani was also a Maliki scholar and had a little differnt opinion like advising to recite the Bismillah before Fatiha…
And please do advice if there is anything important I need to know…
Wa alaykum salam wa rahmatullah wa barakatu,
Welcome to the school of Medina!
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Tawfeek inshaAllah!
Wa salam