Books Recommended

Imam al-Qarafi’s Books Translated in English

Some of the best books in English on Prophet Mohammad (pbuh)

“Refuting ISIS: A Rebuttal Of Its Religious And Ideological Foundations” by Shaykh Muhammad al-Yaqoubi 

The Abridgment of al-Akhdari translated and commented by Shaykh Rami Nsour 

New Islamic Books in English Release by Shaykh Rami Nsour & Tayba Foundation! (Maliki & Hanafi Fiqh, Aqida, Adab…)

Books recommended for new Muslims (converts) and new practicing Muslims

Some books recommended by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf

The Best English Books in Islamic Belief (Aqida)

The book “How to read a book” recommended by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf and Ustadh Abdus Shakur Brooks

MALIK AND MEDINA – DR UMAR F. ABD-ALLAH (Excellent book about Imam Malik and the school of Medina)

New book! The Rights of Parents by Shaykh Mawlud and translated by Shaykh Rami Nsour

New english translation of Al-Murshid al-Mu‘een (Ibn Ashir)

Some recommended ENGLISH books in Maliki Fiqh part 1

Some recommended ENGLISH books in Maliki Fiqh part 2