Intro to Crime & Punishment
Punishment in Sharia is for two things: 1 Public sinning 2 Oppression of people Punishment in the Sharia is determined in two ways: 1 Hudood: directly from Allah…
On the Obligation of Khilafa
What Khalil said about establishing Khilafa قال خليل: لما كان الإنسان لا يستقل بأمور دنياه، إذ لا يمكن أن يكون حَرَّاثَاً طَحَانَاً خبازاً إلى غير ذلك من الصنائع…
Fiqh of Menstruation
﷽ A google search on Islam and menstruation yields unclear and contradictory information, either due to piecemeal presentation or lack of clarification on the source of the positions.…
A Comprehensive Guide on the Beard, Mustache, Soul-Patch, and Under-Chin
based on the works Qadi ‘Iyyad & Imam Al-Nafrawi ﷽ There are rulings in the Shariah regarding how a man should dress, appear, and behave. Among those are…
Can a menstruating woman touch the Quran or recite it in Maliki Fiqh?
﷽ A woman on hayd may recite the Quran from memory or from a non-mushaf, such as a phone or tablet. If she is a teacher or student…
A Guide to the Solar Eclipse Prayer (Salat al-Kusuf) in the Maliki Madhab
Question: What is the ruling on the eclipse prayer in the Maliki school, and how does one pray it? ﷽ Here is a guide to the solar eclipse…
How to Pay Zakat on Gold or Silver Jewelry in Maliki Fiqh?
Question: I have some jewelry that I inherited from some relatives and my wife also owns some jewelry. How do we pay Zakat on it in Maliki Fiqh?…
Is it permissible to start the fast in major ritual impurity (Janaba) in Maliki Fiqh?
Question: Is it permissible to start the fast in major ritual impurity (Janaba)? For example, one has relations with their wife a few minutes before fajr? ﷽ Imam…
Do Injections Break The Fast in Maliki Fiqh?
Question: Do injections break the fast? ﷽ Maliki ulema differ on whether or not injections break the fast. Some say it does not because the fluid from the…
Does Touching The Opposite Gender Break Wudu’ in Maliki Fiqh?
Question: Does touching the opposite gender break wudu’? In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. If one touches the opposite gender, from one who…
Does Incontinence Break Wudu’ in the Maliki School?
Question: I have drops of urine that occur without my control during the day. Am I required to make wudu’ from these drops since they are not in…
Is it disliked (makruh) to wipe the limbs after Wudu’ in the Maliki Madhab?
Question: After washing wudu’ some people say that they should let their limbs dry on their own, even when it is cold, because this is more pious and…
Does Vomiting Break Wudu’ in Maliki Fiqh?
Question: Does vomiting break wudu’ in Maliki Fiqh? ﷽ Vomiting does not break wudu’ in Maliki Fiqh, but if it changed from the original food (i.e the vomit…
Does a Breastfeeding Woman Need to Change Her Clothes If Filth Gets on Them in Maliki Fiqh
Question: If a woman is breastfeeding and her child’s vomit or urine, etc. gets on her clothes, does she need to change her clothes? It is very difficult…
Is Pig Hair (Boar’s Bristle) Pure in Maliki Fiqh?
Question: Is hair, fur, etc. permissible from a pig? For example, many beard brushes are made from boar’s bristle, which is a type of pig. In the Name…
Is it true Malik forbade shaving the mustache?
Question:Is it true Malik forbade shaving the mustache? Answer:Trimming the mustache is a light sunna. Buzzing it is makruh, and shaving it is haram. He held that the…
Can I pray two raka’s if I enter the masjid and Juma has begun?
Question: I understand that in the madhab we don’t pray nafila for the jumuah when the imam comes into the masjid and until he leaves but the hanafis…
Can Ahl al-Bayt receive zakat or sadaqa?
Question: Can Ahl al-Bayt ever recieve zakat or sadaqa? In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful, To begin, the Prophet ﷺ said, “Sadaqa is…
Does Walking to Fill a Gap in the Prayer Row Break the Prayer?
Question: When praying in congregation and someone in the row in front of us leaves, can we walk to take that spot whilst in the prayer? In the…
Can I pray behind an imam who mispronounces the Quran?
Question: Is it permissible to pray behind an Imam who does not pronounce Arabic letters properly? For example, he cannot tell the difference between a ت and a…
What makes a marriage contract valid?
Question: What makes a marriage contract valid in Islam? ﷽ A valid contract consists of three pillars, while the consummation is permitted only after two pre-conditions are met.…
Do we have to make up prayers that we missed long ago?
Question: Do we have to make up prayers that we missed? What if it was many years that we did not pray? Yes, obligatory prayers must be made…
Can I pray sunna sitting down for no reason?
Question: Can I pray sunnah/nafila sitting down without a reason? Yes, but one receives only half the reward on one standing. He may also enter sitting and stand…