Is Friday Prayer Valid in a Rented Space in the Maliki School? – Shaykh Rami Nsour
Answered by Shaykh Rami Nsour Question: According to the School of Imam Malik, is one’s Jumu’ah valid if prayed in a rented space as opposed to a Masjid?…
Prayer and Breastfeeding – Shaykh Abdullah Bin Hamid Ali
For a complete list of the english books on maliki fiqh, please click on the links below: List 1 List 2 Question: Can you please tell the fiqh…
Audible and Inaudible Salat – Shaykh Abdullah Bin Hamid Ali
Question: Is it halal for to offer the loud salat (such as fajr) in silence? Answer: The minimum degree of audibleness is to hear your self and for…
Conditions of Jumu’a Khutba – Shaykh Abdullah Bin Hamid Ali
Question: Could you tell me what are the conditions of the khutbayn in order for them to be valid for the jum’ah? Answer: The traditional conditions for the…