Is the Prostration of Recitation Required in Prayer in the Maliki School?


Answered by Shaykh Rami Nsour

Question: I want inquire if Sujood during recitation of Qur’an is compulsory also during salat in the Maliki School. If I recite a verse that requires sujood in salat, will I offer the sujood and continue with my recitation?

Answer: According to the Maliki school, the prostration of recitation (sajda tilawa) is considered a sunna, not obligatory, if one is praying a recommended (nafila) prayer. It is disliked (makruh) to recite a verse of prostration during an obligatory prayer.

Is the Prostration of Recitation Required in Prayer in the Maliki School?

Here are some english books to learn your fard al ‘Ayn (Individual duty) according to the maliki school:

For those living in the USA:

For those living in the UK:

For those living in Canada:

For a complete list of the english books on maliki fiqh, please click on the links below:

List 1

List 2